La Sucrerie
Chemin de la Sucrerie, 2
1300 Wavre

15h30- 17h00 : Annual General Meeting (only for effectieve members)
17h00 : Welcome drink
17h30 : Congress
20h00 : Walking Dinner

Number of places available: 250
Member price: €0
Non-member price: €190

See all events


AG - Digital communication : yet a challenge?

Dr Vincent Leclercq - CEO RMN Group


Pierre-Alexandre Billiet

CEO Gondola

Pharma retailization: trends and influences in the consumer goods sector

Pierre-Alexandre Billiet is an economist and CEO of Gondola Group, the leading platform for professionals in the consumer goods business, representing more than 52% of the Belgian GDP.

He is an international expert in private consumption, more specifically in retail and consumer goods. 

Lode Fastré

CEO Farmaline (Redcare pharmacy)

Redcare - The pharmacy of the future

Discover Farmaline's world with CEO Lode Fastré. Join us to explore quality health and wellness solutions, fast deliveries, and reliable customer service, transforming your perspective on online pharmacies.

Prof Dr Giovanni Briganti

Chair of AI and Digital Medicine, University of Mons

Dive into the future of digital health with Prof Dr. Giovanni Briganti. Insights on industry trends and future horizons. Join us for a transformative session reshaping your perspective on medicine and AI



Mr Thomas Mourait

Director Lifescience - Capgemini

Discover the power of Data and AI as a value driver for your promotion with Thomas Mourait, Director Lifescience at Capgemini. Transform your approach and gain insights into cutting-edge technology solutions.

Ms Carine De Potter

Nurse - Expert and consultant on healthcare immersive learning

Navigate into the future of medical education with Ms. Carine De Potter,  come into 'Virtual Reality  as A New Paradigm,' offering interactive and immersive learning experiences. You'll also be able to get up close and personal with the latest virtual reality (VR) techniques in the fields of training and healthcare in an interactive VR area.

The final number of inscriptions is reached


Registration available until 19/02/2024