La ferme du Grand Marcha
Rue commune 1
6230 Pont-à-Celles

12h00: Welcome drink

12h30: Walking Dinner

14h00- 18h00: Symposium

Nombre de places disponibles : 70
Prix Membre : 0€
Prix Non Membre : 250€

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What's the future of the Belgian pharmacy?


Bruno Liesse

Managing Director Polaris



The CIBH innovates with a new local survey among Belgians about health topics.

The project is based on a sample of 1000 interviews of 21 to 70 years, representative of the population and is conducted by a recognized research agency (AQ Rate).

The fieldwork takes place from this month of April and will deliver us with its first outcomes end of May. Also the conference of June 2nd will be subject to a dedicated speech of the key results.

The content is made of a range of specific focuses : the problematics lived by people today, their main consumption behaviour evolution, the worryings about the health topics, the role of each information and advice sources, the way people can get medication (distribution) in the future.

After a first presentation to the CIBH members, the perspective is get some amplification via the Belgian media beyond.


Who is Bruno Liesse?

Main steps : Advertising agencies (Strat Planning & Media), Advertiser (Mobistar/ Research Manager), Research Institute (TNSTeleperformance), Media Agency (DentsuDeepblue founder & MD Carat)

•Currently founder head of Polaris / Space media agency (2019)

•31 years in research : qualitative, quantitative, BTC, BTB, Corporate, non-profit/ NGOs

Romain Courio

Business Developper - Pharmacy Cap 3000

Topic: "La complémentarité entre la distribution physique et les solutions digitales: du mythe à la réalité".

Who is Romain Courio?

Business developper of the pharmacy Cap 3000. The biggest european pharmacy based in Nice.

Imprégnez-vous de l'expérience Panser autrement - YouTube

Paul Moreau

CEO- Redpharma

• Tendencies of the 1er half year 2022

• • Main differences / evolution in comparison with last two years

• • How is the pharmacy market changing ?

Eddy Gilissen

Senior Director Supplier Alliances of IQVIA

Topic: The disruptors of independent pharmacy: Threats and Opportunities


The final number of inscriptions is reached


Registration available until 02/06/2022